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Visualizing A or THE dream

Feb 18, 2025

Some of you might know I have a temporary guest here. It’s a cat called Billy and he came at a time that I was wondering whether or not I should get some company in my company building aka the place I work. Let’s explore how this came about a bit more.

Visualizing, an important skill 

Apparently I am very good at visualizing. The question is about what exactly?

Every now and then I surprise myself. I really want something and start to talk about this over and over again, wondering what and how and poof… it happens.

My most recent ask was whether or not I should consider having an animal at my working space, since I am spending so much time here anyway. A lot of options were discussed, like a little dog I can take with me on holidays. But well dogs are high maintenance.

The other two options were a cat and a bird. A bird doesn’t need too much space and I used to have one which would sit on my shoulder wherever I would go, talk like me and whenever I was gone, others would look after him.

Then there’s that other option. A cat. I have one at home, she is called Bella and she is a sweetheart (besides grumpy as well). In human years she would be using a walker and as a result she’s on both daily as well as monthly pain meds for her arthritis. I cannot take her here, because that would be too confusing, so then what? 

One and one = Three

But what if you combine your wishes?

This wasn’t actually the only thing I had been visualizing. There were two more things. One was continuing decluttering and the other one was related to some extra revenue.

To my surprise I got a phone call from a friend. We actually talk regularly about music, visualizing and our jobs so it was nice he reached out to me. As it turns out he needed me to take care of his cat, Billy. It was supposed to be for a few days, but well we now know it’s a few months.

Cats need space, so the decluttering needs to continue on. I can tell you he’s pointing it out to me on a daily basis what needs to change.

Then there’s was that other question. The extra revenue. quite honestly I had a specific number in mind and while the two of us were talking about me looking after Billy we got to talk about our projects. He shared a certain aspect and all of a sudden something lit up on my end, like a light bulb one could say. I made a suggestion, what if… We talked on and it made sense. We talked about the price and well we came up with the same amount as when he’d done a project for me. Guess what price? Exactly, that one I had been thinking about.

Focus on what’s the right thing for you

Goals are supposed to help us move forward, so are we focusing on the right things?

Of course it didn’t end with this one. Another friend approached me as well, suggesting I’d help someone out in a gym and who knows what would happen in the future when it came to working together.

In the past, like decades ago, I became a medical fitness trainer and I at that time it was really nice to be working as a trainer on the side. Of course this was at the early stages of starting to work for myself, in addition to learning to understand my body. Like I said, at that time it made sense. I’m still using the knowledge, the big difference is that I can no longer show how to do things, not with my current physical condition, not since I got to trip on that brick over a decade ago.

It made me wonder about what I had been offered. Why did I become totally enthusiastic about something which didn’t seem related to my field of expertise and why not about the other one? 

A closer look revealed something interesting. Both were related to things I’d done in the past. One was actually related to the things I still do on a daily basis. Speaking up for others, where they don’t See any perspective anymore. I do so regularly, including writing things and in addition I also wrote a lot of pieces in the past for management. So this made sense.

The other one was maybe related to something I’d been doing in the past, but it was not related to what I’m currently doing, which is supporting others to speak up, so they are heard, seen and understood. In addition it was local, not to mention it involved driving in traffic jams and I instantly felt this feeling screaming “NO” at me. By analyzing it, it made more sense. I did check it out and that was it. I like to work from home, or wherever I am at that very moment. 

Know what you want

What are you asking for specifically?

Getting back to Billy, I had been wondering about the pros and cons of having a cat here. A cat needs to be able to move around and there’s a big difference of having one at my home, which is huge or here, where I only have limited space.

I never really thought about it, but cats live at night. Usually so do I, it seems to come natural to me. I simply get more active when it’s quiet and in addition I have a tendency to get lost in hyper focus, which means I keep going.

Before Billy showed up, I had started participating in a challenge, lovingly referred to as #DONEBYONE. The goal is to do the important things before one, since most people want something in the hours shortly after one.

I actually had been training most people to not bother me before two, being asleep, but for some reason that had switched, just prior to this challenge. The good news was that when Brendon Burchard mentioned that challenge, it seemed to fit. It fit, until Billy showed up, waking me up when I was trying to get some shuteye. Within a matter of days (maybe even less) I had switched back to being alive during the night, which made it impossible to do stuff at the early hours.

This is why I decided that #DONEBYONE also included #DONEAFTERMIDNIGHT. It was the only way I could make it work. It didn’t mean I was happy about it though. I had come to see the perks of being awake during the day, being able to go out when there was still some daylight. I knew I had to switch it back once more. 

The power of intention

Time to set the intention

The same guy who had been responsible for the challenge, Brendon Burchard, had recorded a daily fire. It was about working on specific goals and setting the intention to actually work on this, without using all these excuses like not having time for instance.

Before going to sleep I decided to be a bit more specific about setting my intention. I used Brendon’s Growthday App to set that intention, including working on my goals and writing down why I needed to switch this back. I thought about what I wanted to do before one and I came up with two options. The first one is what you are reading right now. It’s the Monday Motivational blog post, related to something I talk about a lot. It’s the combination of visualizing and setting the right intention.

So here I am, having started out before one, working on what takes priority. It shows once more how well visualizations can work out if you know why you want it and set a matching intention.

Some final words

What do you need?

My final question is to you. What do you want and need? How much attention did you give it? In case you are lost and don’t know what to do and/or believe in, I got something you can use to give you perspective. It’s a script which turns negative beliefs into positive ones, by looking at it from various angles. If there’s one thing I have learned in all these years, it’s that people usually do know what they don’t want. All you have to do to get it is click => right here <=.

So now it’s time for you to go think about what it is you want and start making that happen. Remember: You can do it, so go do it!

©️Lady Lexy

P.S. This piece got written listening to an acoustic album called => Drastic Symphonies <=, recorded by one of my all time favorite bands, Def Leppard. I had no clue they actually had one, I just looked for an acoustic album and thought of them.

P.S. 2 If you want to try Brendon’s app please check out => this link right here <=.


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