Still at Foxy’s, Glendale, LA
This story deserves a separate chapter. I got to meet Matt. Matt is a very special person. He got to talk to me because I am wearing my Chicago shirt and like so many I have met this month, he is from Chicago. At some point he mentioned that kids like him so much, but he didn’t know why. My answer was if he had already asked the kids, but no. Next Matt showed me this butterfly and the caterpillars, which would turn into this butterfly, called the “Eastern Tiger Swallow Tail”. He would nurture them and set them free, was transformed into this beautiful creature. That’s when I told him why kids like him. He has got something special about him.
Matt started asking me about my swallow tattoos (little did I know the butterfly he was talking about was called “Swallow”. He’s definitely not the first one over here to do so. A lot of people are drawn to them. I believe that this is not only about the beauty of the tattoos, but also the meaning behind it: “Freedom”. For me they are extra special because they were set by an extremely talented person and also because she never got to see so. At some point she decided to opt out and I can only assume she is in a better place now, with no more doubts.
When I shared this with Matt he said he knew more people who had opted out, than had stayed in the hotel. It makes me wonder what came first, the song Hotel California, or maybe an expression relating to the hotel. I need to check that out.
Anyway, just him sharing this with me, made me tear up. Next he showed me his crows, which are the birds between heaven and earth, followed by some more beautiful tattoos and some heartbreaking stories.
I know why kids are attracted to him. He is one special person. Enjoy the pictures taken with him.
P.S. the tattoo in this picture is in memory of my loving father and mother.
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