Every now and then we get confronted with changes. It’s one thing to choose for change after some deliberation, picking your options and going with what feels best. It’s another to have to make changes because of things outside of your influence.
Maybe you’re not prepared, but the one thing you can do, is take control back. So let’s go do so.
How to take back the reigns
Do you already have suggestions yourself?
- Things you’ve thought about in the past;
- Possibilities you’ve discussed with others;
- Suggestions made to you.
Be creative
If you still don’t have a clue consider the next options:
- Create a list. Put things on there no matter how unlikely. They might lead to surprising ideas;
- Write about the options/suggestions you do have. Include what appeals to you from the previous list;
- Talk to others, whether friends and/or a coach. Find someone who can support you. How about being your own coach?
Decide. If you don’t have one outstanding option, make a top three and start exploring from there.
Last but not least: Push Through.
Take action
Without taking action, even if it means falling flat on your face the first few times, you won’t move forward towards new opportunities. So, let’s go do it! Let’s explore and take action!
Are you in?
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