In the past few weeks I have had to readjust non-stop. It varied from finding a new rhythm getting up, getting work done, including the regular posts and lives.
This, however is related to my (non) ability to walk like before. About starting back up, figuring out how to get somewhere. If I think about it, I actually did the same when I was in the US. It was pushing through, even if that meant pausing, taking one step and pausing again. Somehow I forgot about it and over here I had to start all over again.
Taking advantage of a beautiful day
Last Saturday was a beautiful day. It’s a bit rare in October, so a friend and I decided to go get a bite to eat in Scheveningen and afterwards go for a walk.
The challenge
The walk was challenging as expected, but it was so worthwhile that I just decided to see how I could make it happen. I knew that I at least needed to use my braces and have regular breaks. What I didn’t expect was the slow speed I had to maintain to even be able to take a few steps.
It was strange at first to realize that I really needed to adjust my speed to really slow, even wearing my braces. Normally that’s after a while. Now this was from the start. The good news was that I noticed I could actually walk quite a distance (for my norms which is max a mile), as long as I used the “snail” speed.
Having a good time
During the walk we took numerous pictures. It’s always nice to check out the lighthouse and that’s where we decided to go.
After we reached the lighthouse and took numerous pictures, we crossed the street and went to the beach to rest and (in my case) have a latte. It was the last round, yet long enough to be able to keep on walking back.
The end result
It worked. Besides a ton of sleep, I felt pretty good the next day!
Now why am I sharing this with you?
Because every once in a while we need to find a new rhythm.
Finding similarities and differences
If I compare this walk to three months earlier, the basics were the same. Same restaurant and same route along the lighthouse. The circumstances were totally different. Sun set early and I had to go really slow because I had sustained new injuries.
What else was the same was my determination. To go sightseeing and take some pictures and enjoy the good weather.
It might have taken me a while and it might have been challenging to walk that slow, but I basically had no choice.
My conclusion
What feels good is knowing I found a solution. I could have decided to not go for that walk. But this was trial and error. Fortunately for me there were numerous places to stop and sit down, the perks of visiting a touristic location.
My question to you
What can you adjust, so you can keep doing what you love and/or deem important, without giving up before you have even started?
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