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Monday Morning Motivational Messages - S1E3 Get Moving

Mar 18, 2024

Thought of the Week

“In order to get moving we like to have others tell us that we are good to go. We like that confirmation that it’s okay to not be perfect, as long as we got out there and go.” Question is, can you also get going even without receiving that confirmation?

Permission Granted

It sounds so funny the first time you hear it (or really serious depending on how you perceive things). If only this were to be true. The video this refers to, is really funny to watch. It shows Brendon Burchard on the stage beaming energetic vibes in the audience. This actually after a longer meditation, which ends with “Permission Granted”. The reason this is needed is because all of us are so good at postponing things from a variety of reasons. The most common one is likely that it’s too hard to just do it and hence we start stalling. 


Just like habits don’t start overnight, neither do those skills. The habit is doing things, because you are used to it. The skill is how good you are at doing it. If you are still learning how to do it, chances are it’s also not a habit just yet. When you are good at something, you might still not like to do it, maybe because it’s boring, or… because you don’t believe (yet) you’re actually good at it. This is where that nudge, that push comes in to move you forward. “Permission Granted” to take action, even when having doubts.

Taking action

Brendon Burchard says it over and over again. It’s about Taking Action. In case you are wondering who he is, he has been my role model for years and he is the expert when it comes to personal development and marketing. The guy does a lot of research and other than that he is consistent and immensely goofy.

I have been following Brendon for years now and I know that he is right when it comes to taking action. I also know where things get stuck and this brings us back to things not being a habit yet and more importantly still learning the skills.

The challenge is to get back at those things you know you need to do, so progress can be experienced. Sitting back and doing nothing at all isn’t going to help you one bit.

The next step: to get you started 

There are a few things which can help you to get you in the right frame of mind:

      1. Know your goals. Know what the most important thing is you need to focus on right now and why;
      2. Set your intention, meditate if needed, at minimum visualize a positive outcome;
      3. Find some support. You can call someone, get a chat going and/or simply watch and/or listen to something inspirational;
      4. Create the right circumstances, which will get you in the right state of mind, which in turn gets you in the flow.
      5. At the end of it all, be proud of yourself. You did it even when it seemed hard at first. 

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