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Monday Morning Message S1E4 - Let’s Experiment

Mar 25, 2024

Thought of the Week

“Nothing changes (for the better) if we don’t dare to take a chance and start experimenting. It only requires one step at a time. But it starts with taking that one first step and being willing to not give up!”

Let’s Experiment

In the last week (including today), well actually in the last months, I have been experimenting a lot. For someone who doesn’t like change at the surface, this sounds odd, but I am about improving myself and my skills. 

There is something fun about experimenting, because it creates an excitement for something new, something better. It can also cause disappointment because it doesn’t go straight away like you would want it to.


Let’s face disappointment head on first, since too much disappointment can lead to distraction, which in turn can lead to a full stop. If we can get this out of the way, we are bound to continue on with excitement. Which leads to the following questions:

    • What are our expectations?
    • Are we willing to keep going until we get a better outcome?
    • What are we doing it for? What is our why?

Apart from these questions we also have to train our mindset and our habits. If we want to make a change, we have to learn to not give up the moment things are not working out. Can we agree on this? If so, please read on. If not, ask yourself what is keeping you from finding the courage and stamina to keep going. Likely it has to do with previous disappointments and it’s time to change this! So… let’s experiment.

Know your why

Let’s start with the most important question: “What is your why?”

If we know what we are doing it for, we are far more likely to keep going, even when it gets hard. You want your answer to give you a certain feeling. One that is a mixture of simply knowing you need to do so now, combined with not being able to go around this anymore. 

How do we know our why? We basically ask ourselves why and we keep doing so with every answer we give. With every extra question we will go a layer deeper. 


When you start something new, or start something again which you either couldn’t finish and/or is remembered as hard, you want to avoid that disappointment. It means you want to be realistic about your efforts:

    • It’ll take time to get good at something;
    • It might require some tweaking and changing and a lot of patience as well;
    • You might need some support, whether it’s by googling and/or talking to an actual person.

Last but not least you want to combine this with knowing what you are working towards, if only in highlights.

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