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MMM - 7 steps leading to a smoother process

Apr 23, 2024

 Don’t make things too hard for yourself. Doing what needs to be done, even when it’s not entirely to your liking might be good enough. Giving yourself a break to make it better the next time around, works too. Just don’t give up or quit in the middle of the process, without ever continuing on and you are good to go.

 What am I talking about? About creating a process, which in turn leads to building habits! One of these processes (and habits) is getting the Monday Motivational Message out there . It has to be both motivational and hence positive, but also useful. In addition it’s made into multiple formats.

 Let’s focus on a process which might require some additional fine tuning, but not to the extension of being perfect. Instead let’s focus on how to add, take out, tweak and change certain elements, which will make it run a little smoother. 

7 steps to consider

  1. What’s the goal of what you’re trying to create, get out there (if only for you);
  2. Figure out the core progress. What’s at the centre of it all? Every element basically leads to this part and has to align with it;
  3. What is the essential thing you want to start with? It can be something that functions like an overview for the core progress. It can serve as input. What it does, primarily, is help you move forward from the start;
  4. Which elements are critical in the entire process, maybe because they serve as input, maybe because it helps clarify things. If these elements are included, all of a sudden the solution seems to be within reach;
  5. Which elements can be discarded, because they actually make the whole system needlessly complex;
  6. Which parts have you been overthinking. Get them back to basics;
  7. Try and explain this to others and you’ll know what works and what requires adjusting.

Let’s take a look at the Monday Motivational Messages.

  1. Get a Motivational Message out there on Mondays;
  2. There is a core message which functions as input for every format that comes with the Monday Message;
  3. It starts with an insight, which usually links to a story;
  4. Elements are video for on YouTube, video for in the blog post, the blog post and a post on Instagram about it;
  5. The example didn’t work as it should. IT was distracting. It required the basics instead;
  6. A story which goes in every direction, is the last thing we want for this post. It needed to be redirected and with it other elements turned out to be more important; 
  7. By creating a video and writing a blog post I got to see that the previous version didn’t work out and this actually does.

 Look at the steps. Add the why to it and all of a sudden it’s no longer about perfection, but about making things make sense and run smoother as well. If you work on this often enough and with some dedication, it will create a habit which will you serve you better than you ever imagined possible. 

Time to Take Action

 Now it’s time to start working on your own process. Remember that it’s not about perfection, but about recognizing the core elements and making things easier.


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