The Struggle to get Clarity
This post explains how I got Clarity on something I really struggled with. To start with the end of the post in mind: “If you are reading this, it means writing this post worked for me.” It means that I was finally able to post this blog post, sharing my upcoming challenge, which will start this Friday.
The struggle
There is one specific thing I seem to run into, time and time again, specifically when I have returned from the US, combined with it being autumn. I have trouble getting my creative and more challenging work done, since I miss a certain vibe. It’s no surprise that every time I come back (usually the end of September, the beginning of October) I do a Clarity Challenge. Each challenge has a specific angle. Last year was about Cleaning up the clutter in mind and life. This year I realized more than ever that I needed to face the struggle head on.
To gain clarity I did, what I almost always do, which is writing. I have come to appreciate recording videos as well. If you combine the two, It’s about sharing and teaching my experiences and knowledge. There’s only one question: “How do people find me nowadays, now i am doing thing online?”
What does my current perfect goal look like?
My current goal is to create the perfect clarity challenge, which will start this weekend. Part of this being “perfect” is having enough people who are involved in the challenge, so I can get a better idea of what others need.
But what if I cannot get enough people to find me in time and hence join the challenge? The doubt linked to this question is not just about being realistic. There is also negative self talk involved. That’s why I need to change this straight away into something that is going to make it work after all. It is time for positive self talk. It is time for action.
Turning Negative Self Talk into Positive Self Talk
It’s not the first time I am doing a challenge. It’s not the first time I am doing a clarity challenge. Some of those challenges went exactly as planned. I posted ahead of time, I went live on instagram and you tube. So I know I can do it. My challenge has to do with how to get that challenge out there using the current technology. Add a different understanding what the marketing of a challenge should look like and you can understand part of my struggle.
The power of clarity
By writing about my struggles and sharing with people why I couldn’t make the deadlines I have set for myself, my goal has only become more urgent. I know I need to get the promotion for the challenge done and out there right now.
The good news is that I am getting there. I am finally able to not just announce the challenge, but also post a working link, which actually sets everything in motion. By not giving up, looking for support and keeping a positive mindset, focused on this one single task, I got it done.
If you click on => < can actually get that PDF with the 16 questions on how to get Clarity.
Remember this when you have doubts!
=> “You deserve it. You are good enough!” <=
Don’t let life, doubts and/or fear get in the way. Keep focusing on your goals and aim for one step at a time.
It all starts by taking that first step
Now it’s up to you, to think about your goals and dreams and go for it! So get that worksheet and give yourself the luxury of working on yourself. You can get it by going to, I made it work!
Some last words
To finish with the beginning of the post in mind: “If you are reading this, it means writing this post worked for me.” The good news? It can work for you too!
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