The Reasons behind the New Year’s Challenge
Since the first day of December I have been hosting a Xmas Challenge. The goal of this challenge is twofold. On one hand I want those who are feeling alone with Xmas to know they are not alone. On the other hand it’s about finishing the year strong, with renewed energy, despite the darker, shorter months.
There was a third reason as well. I wanted to post something every day to create some consistency on my end and inspiring others to do so as well. I dare say I succeeded.
Feeling Alone
I know a thing or two about spending Xmas alone. My mum passed away almost 3 years ago, 9 years after my father had gone and all of a sudden I found myself to be alone during Xmas.
When I grew up we would go to church on Xmas eve. that night and the days following we would gather round the table for some good food, always having a good time. Growing older the tradition of going to church may have gotten lost, but whenever possible, I did try to visit family on Xmas eve.
Just like I have experienced my parents passing away, so have others. They have lost their partner and/or family members and they experience this loss more than ever during Xmas. They are alone, faced with memories of grief.
For people who haven’t experienced this before, it often seems to be an unknown, something they don’t really understand or want to pay attention to. With my Xmas challenge I want to make people aware that there are those out there who are in need of company and at least some cheer.
I accomplished the latter this year by going to a hotel on Xmas eve and reaching out to my brother and a friend as well. I have seen my brother the day before Xmas even, coming home with a delicious piece of bundt cake and tomorrow I’ll be fonduing with a friend and her children. That embodies the Xmas spirit for me.
Decreasing energy due to winter
The other thing I want to accomplish is that people feel more energized than usual in this cold, dark, December month. During the winter it is always harder to preserve one’s energy. The days are colder, with less sunlight and on top of it, daylight is shorter. Depending on where you live, you might experience rain or a lot of snow.
The lack of light drains a lot of our energy and there’s not much to replenish it with. We tend to exercise less, especially outside and with that lack of both daylight and sunlight, we also experience a shortage of vitamins.
I may not have been able to go to a country with a lot of sun, but being in a bright and positive spirited environment, has made a lot of difference. Apart from the vibe, I also took advantage of getting some work done, among which the Xmas Challenge day 24. As you read this, I am finalizing this post about the Xmas Challenge and the thought behind the energy boost related to the challenge.
Disappointment about achievements
Apart from the change in weather and daylight, we are also facing the end of the year. This means looking back on what we have achieved this year and especially what we have not achieved this past year. We are bound to focus more on what we didn’t do as opposed to what we did accomplish.
Focusing on the negative also drains our energy. That’s why it’s so important to point out what we (not) have been doing during this last month of the year. When we recognize it, we can turn it around and start using it to our advantage.
By reviewing the milestones we have achieved and looking back on memories that have been made in the previous years, life immediately has a different outlook.
This brings me back to my third reason, being consistency. By writing this post and having posted every day of December, I know I have accomplished something which doesn’t come natural to me. It’s called consistency. I feel proud that I have been focused on it. I am proud that I created every post with the same level of attention and thought.
All considered, one can say that I have been posting the challenge with the goal to give people an energy boost. I want people to know they are not alone and also to look back on the year and feel proud of themselves. It shows that with the hard times, there are also good times present, even when it’s hard to discover.
New Year’s Challenge
Now that it’s Xmas, I’ll keep on posting on Instagram on behalf of the XmasDecember Challenge. However, I am going to add a little something to all of this. I’ll be going live three days in a row during the last weekend of the year on FaceBook and YouTube.
It’s going to be the climax to all the posts, related to finishing the year strong and starting the new year with an enormous energy boost.
If you want to join the New Year’s Challenge, please sign up below. It’ll help you to finish the year strong, happy and energized and start the new year fresh. If you sign up now, you will get a free PDF as well, providing you with clarity about what it is you want to achieve.
You can sign up here:
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