Today’s Monday Morning Message is about Intention. It’s the first episode after 100+ days of consecutive posting!
Thought of the Week
“Setting an intention helps you get focused. Setting an intention linked to something you have been struggling with for a while, will help you move forward with a renewed boost. Doing so every day this week at the start of the day, will give you a guaranteed outcome.”
Setting an intention can make the difference between succeeding at something or not. it can make the difference between getting in the flow or not. It can make the difference between creating a successful habit or not.
Habits don’t start overnight. The intention to create this might though. Usually there is a “why” involved. The “why” is needed to go from a single action, maybe even repeated during several days, to this becoming a habit.
Depending on who you are talking to they will say a habit takes 90 days to form, others say it can be done in 30 days. Regardless (and I know this from experience), it requires “motivation” aka your “why” and support. When things happen which make you feel alone, confused and/or frustrated, it is easy to give up and that’s the one thing we don’t want to happen.
How to move on
There are a few things which can help you to keep you going on:
- Know that when you give up, you give a message to yourself. It’s okay to give up. Not just today, but for every time you don’t want to moving forward from now on;
- You might not know this yet, but someone out there is relying on you to share your story. Neither one of you may have met before, but at one point the one who needs you, will find your message. it doesn’t matter when. It does matter that it’s out there for them to find it;
- Once you get it out there, you will be proud of yourself. You did it! You took one step in the right direction;
- You may not see results straight away, but that doesn’t mean nothing is happening, or will happen at some point in the future. It does mean you get better with every effort you make to get things out there;
- All you need to do is take one step at a time. That’s what’s going to make that difference. That’s what will help you create a habit;
- Creating that habit will turn into being proud of yourself. Even more important, your mind will know you are reliable;
- Last but not least, it’s the consistent taking action which create the habit. It’s getting back to your “why” which will help you push through in the most difficult of moments.
The Next Step
During this period of posting over 100 days, I started with:
- Friday Night Live with Lady Lexy on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram;
- Monday Morning Messages (you are reading episode 2);
- I am posting quotes besides the daily post/video on Instagram.
Overall I stepped up my game. What are you going to do?
Want to listen to this episode? Check out my Podcast Lady Lexy Speaks Up.
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