MMM S1E10 - 7 steps to improve change using immersion
May 07, 2024Whenever I think about change, my initial reaction is, “no thank you”. I am not the best at adapting to new things, so I have to have a very good reason for embracing this change. When I became a “CHPC” coach last year, it was a very intense four days, with all the modules, questions and much more following these days.
I expected this year to feel the same way. The opposite has been true. I consider it to be so much easier this time around. Let’s explore why, using the following 7 steps.
First, I want to explain the term “CHPC”. It stands for “Certified High Performance Coach”, which Brendon Burchard has developed. It’s getting recognized all over the world as a research based way of coaching. It makes sense to take this as a next step of certification, being a professional coach.
Know your why
Last year I wanted to learn what this style of coaching entailed. Second of all I wanted to know if my style of coaching was still from this time. The answer was yes, but there was way more to being a professional coach. I have started applying these things and this year I want to take it to yet another level.
Avoid overwhelm
The first time around it was chaos on my end. I had to print all this stuff, next read the questions out loud and it felt all very rehearsed.
Nowadays I tell people to take one step at a time. It’s exactly what I ended up doing myself. I took out the most important parts, which made me a better coach and didn’t look back at the material till yesterday. So what had I done?
Keep your focus on the topic at hand
During this year, I immersed myself in all things related to “CHPC” coaching, from getting my own CHPC coach to going to the coaching summit organized by Brendon. In addition I was offered the opportunity for additional training related to “CHPC”, with the focus on marketing. I took that opportunity.
In this past year I never looked at the portal again with all the coaching material. This year I have started to explore last year’s portal in preparation of this year’s. Doing so, I’ve become aware that the overwhelm has disappeared. Combined with letting people know I have to reschedule some meetings, has reduced most stress.
This first training day I was totally relaxed. I had no problems reading all the questions and the day had ended before I had realized it. I guess all the other training (sometimes way longer) from Brendon is now paying off. I have created stamina.
Be proud of the achievement
Ever since I got certified, I showed it in relevant situations. It’s visible on Zoom, which is often used by Brendon. It’s also listed in Instagram where I find part of my customers.
Keep going, change never stops
Becoming a better coach, specifically a better “CHPC” coach is what makes total sense, knowing what I want to leave as a legacy. Which is that people learn to speak up and speak out and in turn are seen, heard, understood, valued and respected.
Want to check out the full video where I not only talk about the process of becoming a CHPC, but also about how it helped when traveling to Chicago? You can watch it by clicking on this link. If you prefer listening to Podcast, please check it out here.
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