Do you experience doubts? Are doubts keeping you from moving forward? Then this post is for you.
1) Signs which are a giveaway you are not at ease
Let’s start with the signs you are experiencing. How do those doubts manifest themselves? Why is this important? So you can tackle them in the early stages.
When people talk there’s one specific giveaway, which is their voice all of a sudden getting hoarse. One can hear it, but might not be aware of it until… If you experience this, you are probably dealing with sudden mucus in your throat, wanting you to clear your voice. That is way more noticeable. On top of it our cheeks might turn red, because we don’t feel at ease.
There might be an additional sign, which is having trouble expressing yourself straight after.
2) It’s okay to have insecurities
Are any of these signs horrible? No. Because everyone recognizes these signs. When they do, they also know the feeling behind it. it’s called being a human being.
What I have described just now are two things. One is a physical reaction, in response to a mental one, linked to a belief you’re uncomfortable about. The other one is the ideas you have revolving around this reaction.
Today I recorded a video for Instagram. You can see all the signs on there, which was the result with me spontaneously coming up with an idea and next wondering if it was a good one. I compared the price of my Transformation Sheet Script with a cup of Starbucks coffee (I always have a venti latte with all the works). The price of the script is 7 euros and well depending on how you take your coffee, you might be saying something similar for your cup of coffee.
Next I talked about the Clarity Challenge, which is 47 euros. So 7 days of Starbucks. Specifically 7 days in a row, one cup of Starbucks coffee.
3) Getting clarity
Do you see what just happened here? I came up with something, which made total sense, until I came up with a question. Does 7 dollars (euros and dollars are about the same) seem very expensive for a cup of coffee, or in my case a latte? I’m pretty it’s not. But again, I have a venti latte with soy milk and sugar free vanilla. Those things can add up to the price.
All these thoughts flashed through my mind for a moment, thanks to that ever present chatter box, which wants to be accurate and understood. What I needed was clarity. Once I had talked about it on video, it was out there, I knew what had happened, so I just had to do retake.
4) Rinse and repeat (just do it again and get comfortable with it)
Initially I started and stopped. But then I was good to go. I am certain about my skills and I know this is an important topic for people. It’s just that me and just listing prices is something I am a little less familiar with.
What happened is a good example however of dealing with mindsets, beliefs working against you and what we could do as a result. I am not embarrassed about what happened, so I decided to use it as an example for my both my training and this blog post.
5) Share with others what your doubts are
By sharing it you take away that awkward feeling. In this case I also know that others can learn from it as well. It’s okay to be yourself, even when you voice changes for a second because of doubts, or whether because you are wondering where to go on from a certain point.
6) Take things to the next level (aka challenging yourself)
In my Clarity Challenge I get into things on a deeper level. It includes the Transformation Sheet, a meditation and 31 lessons for 31 days. It’s the perfect gift to give to others and yourself, so you cannot only finish the year strong, but also start it with a boost. The holiday season is a time when we usually have some days to ourselves, => so go check it out! <=
In this blog post, aka a 7-step plan, I finish by promoting my challenge. It makes perfect sense, since there is more in there, than I am able to describe in a single post. This post however is a good start, but I also want to give you the opportunity to go deeper into this topic of doubts. So, I am taking things to the next level.
7) Take Action!
What are the doubts you are working on and how can you take things to the next level? Write them down in a notebook, add when this happens and next share them with someone else, or even better on here!
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