Most people don’t ever think about it, but being able to dance is a luxury. Not all of us can do it, especially without support.
The good news? Even after a sever injury, it is possible to get back up again. It took me a decade and I needed some help walking down the steps after one song, but boy… did that feel amazing!
In order to be able to do so I needed two surgeries, which were constantly turned down as impossible, which I eventually got in 2015 and 2018. It required a lot of speaking up, tweaking and changing my message, provide more clarity collecting data, until that second surgery, well over four years since I twisted my ankle, got done.
The recovery process is still ongoing. My balance had gone haywire for so long and with me being hyper mobile, it has taken its toll on especially my back and knees.
Besides finding a surgeon, I also had my share of physical therapists till I found my current ones. Together we have been working and are still working on improving that stability and now building up strength and endurance. It’s a process of getting up, taking three steps back and go for it again.
Besides speaking up, learning to speak with clarity, moving forward, falling down and getting back up again, this required a ton of support, supplements, tools like crutches and braces (which I occasionally still use) and always searching for (and acknowledging) my boundaries and… pushing through, taking one step at a time.
It just shows that if you work on something diligently, things can improve.
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