The Chicago Coaching Trip
Why go on a coaching trip?
Why would you go on a coaching trip, away from your own home town? Why would you even go on a trip instead of just one hour of coaching weekly, maybe every fortnight? That’s the question I got asked. The answer is simple. If you want change, it’s best to be away from your regular environment, including any fixed routines. In addition it’s also about relaxing, having fun and meeting new people.
My dream: take people on a coaching trip
The first time I came up with the idea of a coaching trip was when I was at one of Brendon Burchard’s events. I’m not sure whether it was 2018 or 2019, but I remember that we had to come up with an idea about what we wanted to achieve. I wanted to take people on a trip from Europe to somewhere in the US. Being in the US, I realized that it made more sense to have people come over to Europe. That’s how I came up with a Xmas trip. I had to pitch that trip and everyone around me was very enthusiastic. In the time following this pitch, I talked about picking people up from the various airports, having a coach as transportation and why.
For years I have been supporting friends who come over from the US to tour in Europe and I like to accompany them for several days during the tour. Often that means that I drive across the border, sometimes I might even take a flight or go elsewhere and rent a car. It all depends on the amount of equipment I take with me. I help them out by taking pictures and recording video and sound, besides the more day to day things.
It is the documenting of the experience, the unique things happening, which make all the difference. For me it is a rush to capture those precise moments and looking back is the best feeling for all parties involved. Sometimes it is a learning experience, most of the times it is about the little gems which have been captured (and even published at times). Let’s face it, it’s hard to do a do-over of something which is an extremely special moment. Being there to capture it, is one of the most amazing things to do. Just writing about it makes my heart practically skip a few beats, feeling the excitement.
What makes me even more excited is the thought of capturing your special moments. Those moments that you get to realize what it is you want and need, may have dreamt of more than you can remember and finally saying it out loud. It is the saying it out loud to other people, including to me, which makes it so special. I will have you repeat it, not once, not twice, but multiple times. We have told ourselves thousands, maybe millions of times that we are not capable of doing certain things. We have started to believe that we are not worthy to experience certain things. Now it is time to turn these thoughts around and have you realize you are worth of that dream and that you can start today.
By getting challenges and assignments, we can work on what you need most. The good thing? You won’t have to do it alone. Things will be discussed in a group setting and also in some 1:1 time, so we can get to that one thing that requires change most and especially why. The why is often hidden in little things which are being said, or not being said. It’s the pause, the skipping over things a little too fast which give away clues. Spending a number of days together, allows you to let things sink in and go over any questions you might have. It is talking in an informal setting, which usually brings up new ideas and especially possibilities.
Change requires… CHANGE
Change requires literally change. Change requires a change of environment, a change in people you talk to, a change of routines. You want to be open for new possibilities and more importantly your own thoughts and dreams without being held back. It’s those who (think they) know you best who are likely going to talk you down when you come up with something new. There are only few people who will sit down with you to ask you why you want this new thing and how you are going to achieve it. It’s the why (and the why behind the why and so on), which gives you clarity about your dreams and action (including non-actions).
Changing requires being around people who have experienced going through (major) changes themselves. Usually one can say that if you haven’t experienced it (or at least witnessed it), it’s hard to understand how challenging this may be. It is the urgency, which drives you to make changes. It is fear which often times holds us back. By expressing yourself to others you will get clarity about what it is you so desperately what and need. Getting this clarity starts by saying it out loud in a safe environment, with people who understand you.
The importance of support
Being surround by people who have their own challenges makes it easier to cheer one another on. Let us talking to one another be that moment that you commit to change, to changing into who you want to be and know you can be. By being in a surrounding where people challenge you and having that discussion about why this is so important to you, you will come up with reasons.
The reasons which express the urgency for you will translate into your why and more importantly the necessity of why you need it now. Let me be more specific, this is about why you may have needed it yesterday and long before yesterday, but you didn’t get around to it, which takes us to courage. Building the courage is something you will start to experience every time you talk, write and visualize it more and more. We all understand the courage it takes to change. We all understand that it requires building up confidence. Most of all it is about intention and that is best remembered by being exposed to it on a daily basis time and time again.
Intention and exposure
By me (and you and possibly others) taking pictures and recording videos of what’s going on you’ll have something to remember your expressed desires by. You are going to make happen this happen by writing about it. Not just once, but on at least a weekly, but preferably a daily basis. During the trip you will do so non-stop. It’s the talking, the writing, the basically the pondering on it that will give you clarity. By talking to each other, till even long after this trip has taken place, you will keep reminding yourself and the others of your intention, your goal.
So WHAT IF it is a BIG goal?
If you have a big goal it is important that we get there by taking one step at a time. From talking about that trip and doing my sales pitch to now has taken me a good amount of years. Covid came along, making it impossible to travel for years. There was no meeting up with other people from MasterMinds. Most importantly, the marketing required a lot of improving. This is about change on a lot of different levels and in a lot of different areas. We all tackle them one step at a time, one milestone at a time. We try something, test it, taste it (so to speak) and if it works we keep (doing) it and if not, we look for the next best thing.
What we NEVER do, is give up. We keep remembering our intention, even if we may have forgotten about it for a few days, week or maybe even months and/or years. It’s okay to have been distracted by other things, as long as you get back to what matters most to you. The way to keep working on what is so immensely important to you is to be reminded of it non-stop. That’s why you will get something tangible to take home with you. You have your notes, you have your memories and you will also have videos, photos, basically anything that will be a permanent reminder of changing your life for the better.
Are you ready for change?
If you are ready for change and you can come to Chicago this September 2023, this is your chance to start taking action NOW. I will organize a 3 day trip, starting Wednesday evening the 20th as an introduction and we will kick off on Thursday, the 21st. During three days we will go places, do activities, enjoy good food and amazing surroundings and most of all, work on ourselves! I will be there to capture the special moments and guide you through the most difficult of moments. Afterwards, you will have some tangible keepsakes and buddies to keep working with. All of us will be meeting up regularly online, to stay in the moment and work towards your next milestone.
If you feel excited, pleaseclick this link, fill out the form so I can arrange a free coaching call, to see what you want to work on how I can support you with this. Clicking it and talking about it, will be your first step towards CHANGE. Let’s go do it!
Lady Lexy
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