7 Steps how to start when you’re stuck - MMM S1E15
Jun 11, 2024That moment you need inspiration and you don’t know how to get moving
At times we want to move towards something, but we don’t know how and where to start. During those moments it’s important to keep on going, whatever it takes.
In this post I share 7 steps with you, all related to expressing your thoughts to get moving.
1) Start writing
Writing is one of the most powerful ways to make sense of whatever is going on in your mind. It can be words, it can be statements, it can be an entire story which at first might not even be related. Something will stand out. That’s your starting point.
2) Talk on camera
If you still don’t know where to start, you might consider recording your thought in front of the camera.
You can use it for yourself, or you can show it to someone, to get their thoughts on it. You might even post it, which already gets you one step closed to what you set out to do.
3) Go look for inspiration
If you still have no clue where to start, go look for inspiration. Check some books, magazines, go online. Type in anything which is related to the topic and/or something you know will get you going. Don’t forget to also check out YouTube or some music channel for some good tunes. A good meditation might just give you that boost you need as well.
4) Talk to other people
There’s no such thing as talking to others to get you right back on track where you left off. Once you start to talk all your ideas will come back to the surface. In case you are lacking any ideas, for whatever reason, having the other ask you questions to have you provide them with a better picture, will do the same for you.
5) Have a list ready
If you’re setting out to work on something, it starts with creating an overview. You want to write down milestones, action steps, anything you consider to be important. Afterwards you can start to organize things, until they makes sense. This list is something you want to keep close to you at all times.
6) Know your why (and what you need)
The one thing you always want and need to know is your “why”. If you have no clue where to start and/or what to do this very moment and you don’t have your “why” just yet, go work on figuring it out.
7) Decide on your next step and go do it!
Now, there’s only one thing left to do. Take action! It’s the only way to get going!
One last thing…
Are you up for a challenge to help you move forward? Then go check out the Change Challenge. When you join this challenge, you get a worksheet how to transform your statements and self talk from negative to positive. You will also find a meditation in there.
For a limited time only, you can join the Change Challenge for free. It will teach you how to work with the booklet, I talked about in the video. It makes you think about others things as well, including your why and hence your motivation.
If you are ready to make the next move and immerse yourself in change, go to ladylexy.com/signupforchange
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