The last couple of weeks I have been writing a lot about consistency. I have talked about pushing through despite being late and being distracted and I also suggested something else: Working ahead of time.
Working ahead of time
That is exactly what I did yesterday. I decided to record the video for today’s blog post. Combined it worked quite well. I had a post for Instagram and some ideas for today’s blog post.
The challenge
The advantage of working ahead is that I can do whatever I want today. I know I have time left to do the writing and even better, I already have made some suggestions. But hang on for a second. The first part was about writing and how easily it can be, versus how excruciating it can be when my mind is going all over the place, So there is my challenge.
Now this is where consistency comes in. The goal is to get that blog post out there and have it produce a positive message at the same time. So how can my struggles and thoughts about this topic help you (and me) move forward?
- Limit the amount of distractions. It’s awesome to feel like you have all the time in the world, but it’s better to just get it done, instead of taking your sweet time and next realizing it’s taking longer than expected;
- As for the distractions, what works best for you? For me, it’s about being in a different environment. Normally that’s outside, but ever since I have been in this hotel in Chicago, on my own, being able to go out whenever I want, I have noticed that I just as easily can write her;
- The next question becomes, what can still be distracting you? Television can be very distracting for me. Today is no different. The difference is that I want to get this piece done.
The Importance of that one thing:
- How important is getting what you set out to do, done? If it is, you will at some point pay attention to that one thing. Remember, this is also about pushing through. Pushing through is not necessarily easy. As a matter of fact, it often is the opposite;
- Once we have determined what the importance is, which is about setting priorities, so we can push through, what do these priorities consist of?
- You already know what distracts you. We have talked about how to avoid this. So what else is left to do or leave out to do? What makes you “tick”? What drives you?
- Some of you may already have heard this, but I cannot say (or write it) often enough. Let’s get the focus back by putting our hand on our heart and breathing towards our intention and the quiet. You can also use meditation or breathing exercises, use whatever works for you. Just do it;
- If you do not know where to start, just brainstorm. I did it by recording a video first. In addition I have been writing, without giving myself any limitations. The good thing is that I can now be picky and decide what to keep in and leave out. Regardless, the topic is still relevant;
- In addition to the previous suggestion. Give yourself some room to just let the writing flow. This includes letting your thoughts run their course, so all the things that are not important for this post, or your one thing, can be given attention and let go off.
Tell yourself, job well done!
Last but not least, be proud of yourself, because you got that one thing out there. I got my post done. All I need to do is copy and paste it, add the video and create a matching thumbnail. The latter is the easy part.
What do you need to do?
How about you? What is it you need to do? Leave a comment if there is something you want to work on, but haven’t found the time/attention to start working on it. When you do, make sure to add what you think has been distracting you. If you happen to leave a comment and you would like the free PDF, which helps you turn negative thoughts into positive ones, be sure to add “free PDF please” after your comment.
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