Speak up, Speak Out, Share your Story
About Me



Life is too short to do something that doesn't bring you joy.


We are all perfectly imperfect beings and shouldn't be afraid to show our flaws.


You are in control of your thoughts, actions, and destiny.


I love music, I love traveling, I love life and I especially love my freedom.

In order to go to concerts, travel the world and do normal day-to-day stuff I have had to learn to speak up, speak out and share my story numerous times. 

I could have easily given up. At times, I almost did. That’s why I help people to gain perspective again, where they might have lost it, due to not being taken seriously.

I do so by teaching them to speak up and speak out and share their story with clarity, confidence, courage and consistency.

Oh and some FUN. After all I’m all about #authenticity.



About a decade ago I tripped on a brick. I grabbed a hold of someone, who next stepped away. The result? I wasn’t able to stand on two feet anymore, walk, ride a bike or sit for that matter.

In order to get the medical staff (and also those close to me) to believe me, I had to learn to speak and speak out, share my story over and over again and do so with clarity. Each time I would add something, until I found that one surgeon who was willing to take on the second surgery which has helped me to be able to stand on two feet again.

Now I support others to regain their freedom and be taken seriously, finally seeing perspective again. Will you join?

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"After just 2 weeks of working with Taylor, I've made some massive shifts in my mindset and my daily routine. I am hopeful for the new future I'm creating."

Maisy Bouchey

"This time last year, I was a frazzled mother of 2, just barely getting by. Thanks to Taylor's courses, I'm a happier, healthier person for myself and my family."

Janell Parks